Fitriani Br. Purba Siboro, S.E.
Marketing Corporate Under Insurance RS Columbia Asia
Alumni of Undergraduate Program of Management, 2017
Always grateful that I got the opportunity to gain knowledge at Universitas Mikroskil Management Program. Management Program is one of the programs that is in great demand every year. I learned a lot of things during college, which were actually still too foreign to my ears. Such as professional business ethics, project management and family business management. Every class meeting is always guided by professional lecturers who have interesting learning methods.
Not only gaining knowledge, Universitas Mikroskil also has many organizations that support students in preparing themselves mentally in networking before joining the working world. The organizations that I previously joined were Ikatan Mahasiswa Manajemen (IMM) and Keluarga Mahasiswa Kristen (KMK).
Everything I gained, both in terms of knowledge and social, was very meaningful to the point where I was able to work as a Marketing Corporate Under Insurance RS Columbia Asia Medan. Thank you to the campus that I am proud of, Universitas Mikroskil.