The Lecturer Team from Mikroskil University again held Community Service aimed at students of SMK Negeri 1 Medan. This Community Service was carried out in the form of a Workshop with the theme Training on Accurate Accounting Operations in the Industrial Era 4.0 which was delivered by a Lecturer at Mikroskil University from the Faculty of Business, Accounting Systems Study Program, Evi Juita Wailan’An, S.E., M.Sc. accompanied by three other organizers, namely Sulia, S.E., M.Si, Sonya Enda Natasha S. Pandia, S.E., M.Si., and Devina Loman, S.Ak., M.Si. equipping Husni Thamrin High School students with accurate accounting operating skills. This lecture was held for one day, namely on January 24 2024 and took place at Mikroskil University Computer Laboratory. The activity begins with an introduction to accurate accounting followed by a pretest. This pretest was completed to determine the students’ level of understanding and interest in the topic before the lecture was carried out. Next, students are taught how to operate accurate accounting software. The service activity then closed with a Post Test. The Community Service Team would like to thank the entire staff of SMK Negeri 1 Medan who provided support so that this event could run well.